If the artwork is the same size, a grid layout works well.
The location and dimensions of nearby furniture must be factored into your decision of how high to hang pictures on the wall.
Have you ever seen a small picture look totally lost and overwhelmed in a huge wall space? Or artwork that is hung so high up on the wall you can’t clearly identify the subject matter – let alone see any nuances of the painting or photo?
How can you avoid these common mistakes and ensure you’re hanging artwork correctly?
Let’s start by tackling the problem of how high to hang it…
The general rule of thumb is that the halfway point of the picture should be at eye level. Since some people are tall, while others are short, a good range to use is 55” – 60” from the floor. Some designers prefer to use 57” exclusively as a guide, but the most important thing to remember is that the eye should rest in the center of the picture.
Now, there are some exceptions to this rule – particularly if you have a grouping of pictures, or there is a nearby seating area:
- The height can be adjusted based on the space – for example you can hang artwork a little lower in when furniture is nearby
- When you have a grouping of pictures (or just a single picture) and furniture, you need to anchor the artwork to the furniture. For example, a painting that is hung above a sofa should cover at least 2/3 of the width of the sofa
When faced with these scenarios, you should consider who will ultimately be using the space, and let their needs guide your decisions.
Some Special Considerations for Grouping Artwork…
You can create stunning focal points by displaying multiple pieces of artwork together. Here are some tips on how to ensure your display looks well-designed:
- When hanging pictures together, the 57” point should fall in the middle of the grouping
- If the artwork is the same size, a grid layout will work well
- Multiple small pictures should be grouped together – especially when there are only a few of them
- It is not always necessary to hang artwork – you can display it on picture ledges or shelves instead (The above rules related to hanging height still apply)
- It’s helpful to work with a theme where similar frames, matting, and objects create interest for the eye
What about Mirrors?
Should you follow the above guidance for hanging mirrors? For the most part, yes. Mirrors have a transformative effect on a room. Because of their reflective nature, they help the room look brighter and airy. Also, when you hang a mirror across from a window, you bring the outdoors inside.
If your mirror (or artwork) happens to be very heavy, this video from Lowe’s provides some helpful advice about the proper tools you should use to hang it on drywall or other types of walls.
To learn more about factors you should consider when hanging artwork, contact Sheeja today for a complimentary 15 minute conversation.
When grouping photos, consider carrying out a theme with identical frames and matting.
Because of their reflective nature, mirrors will make the room seem brighter and bigger.